New Campus Opening in Jinja

The Jinja campus of the Elevate program is now open. Jinja was once a thriving industrial hub, but now struggles with widespread poverty and is home to the Bugembe slum. By opening this new location 110 youths from the Bugembe slum will be skilled and connected with job opportunities. On average 91% of Elevate graduates find a better future by being placed in jobs directly related to their Elevate training.
GIVE NOW170 Grads!

Last year, the Elevate program in Uganda trained two cohorts of students simultaneously. While the first group graduated in December, the final 170 students graduated this weekend and are already working as freelancers or getting high-quality jobs with their newfound skills.
GIVE NOWMaeghan's Story
Each student who graduates from the Elevate program has a personal story of pain and overcoming. Maeghan's is no exception. She has done amazing things thanks to the Elevate program.
GIVE NOWMarvin's Story
'I can now pay for my sister's education, buy myself a shirt, and pay my rent!'
Without money for school, youth in Uganda have no hope of landing a proper job which requires a CV (diploma). Since 2019, Impact Nations has given thousands of youth the skills they need to get a job. And to many like Marvin, a job is everything.
Without money for school, youth in Uganda have no hope of landing a proper job which requires a CV (diploma). Since 2019, Impact Nations has given thousands of youth the skills they need to get a job. And to many like Marvin, a job is everything.
Empowering Dreams

At Elevate, we believe in empowering dreams. We strive to provide young individuals in Uganda with the tools and skills they need to pursue their passions and turn their aspirations into reality.
Through our comprehensive training programs, mentorship, and support, we are witnessing incredible stories of transformation and success. Our students are unleashing their potential, discovering their talents, and creating opportunities for themselves and their communities.
GIVE NOWCelebrating Success

Today, we celebrate the incredible success of the Elevate program in transforming the lives of young people in Uganda. Over the past year, we have witnessed remarkable growth, resilience, and achievement among our students.
Through their dedication and hard work, they have overcome numerous challenges and emerged as skilled professionals, equipped to contribute to their communities and build a brighter future for themselves.
GIVE NOWCourageous Creativity

Exauce is a refugee from the DRC. She was forced to toughen up at an early age during the war that ravaged their home 10 years ago.
“We used to spend the whole day in the house because bullets would fly all day and bombs dropped all night.”
At the time, she was living in the house alone with her mother. Her father had traveled to Uganda to find better-paying work when the war started in Congo. One dreadful night when her mother had gone out in the night to find food for them, she met rebels who held her at gunpoint while dragging her back home. They slapped her, pointed guns at her face, and threatened to rape her in front of her daughter.
She brokered a deal with the rebels to cook them food every day in order to keep her life, andApologies for the incomplete response. Here are the remaining updates converted into the new template format:
Elevate Q2 Report
“In the month of June, [Uganda] was hit by a deadly Covid’19 wave that forced us to halt for 2 weeks and assess how we would implement virtual classes as we did in 2020. As Elevate, we could not sit back and fold our hands with the lockdown on the horizon. We know that our young people can easily lose morale, give up on school and be forced to get into informal work to support their families. For most of them, that’s not the worst that can happen. They fall back into petty theft and robbery, prostitution or work in precarious environments that expose them to drug abuse and unwanted pregnancies and early marriages. We could not afford to let them be idle, so we put in place distributed classrooms in the community spaced out through the week while practicing social distancing and Ministry of Health SOPs. Students are able to continue practicing their craft and learn from each other as they wait for the lockdown to be lifted.”
Click here to view the full report now
GIVE NOWGraduation Hype!
All 100 students of this year's Elevate program are stoked for graduation!
25 have already landed jobs or internships, while others have plans to open their own small businesses upon graduation.
GIVE NOWFrom Peril to Potential
The Elevate program is taking the saying 'teach a man to fish' extremely seriously. From escaping a war-torn country to giving up their future for a sibling, so many dead-end stories are becoming stories of provision and hope.
'I can now pay for my sister's education, buy myself a shirt, and pay my rent!'
Click here to read the full report.