Past Journeys



Wondering what a Journey of Compassion is like? Check out these recent adventures!

Uganda 2024

A team of 24 women landed in  Uganda for 10 days of  ministry together. They had the opportunity to serve in two slums, minister, and pray for healing, and take part in a two day Ascend conference where female Ugandan leaders received teaching and encouragement!
The team served tirelessly, picking up garbage in the slums, educating girls on personal hygiene and ministering door to door while handing out bibles, and so much more!

Malawi 2024

A team of 37 people from around the world ventured to  Malawi for 12 days of doing ministry together. The team had the opportunity to conduct medical clinics, minister, and pray for healing!
The team saw countless blind eyes open, lame legs walking, and deaf ears restored all of the Glory of Christ!

Nepal 2023

The Impact Nations family ventured to Nepal where they had the privilege of conducting medical clinics, distributing water filters, serving food to the village residence, and of course healing the sick in Jesus' name.
God moved in mighty ways both practically and supernaturally. Over 400 individuals had encounters with Christ, including a man who was the village Witch Doctor. Over 300 miraculous healings took place including a young girl's hearing being fully restored.

Mexico 2023

A team of 23 people traveled to Puerto Peñasco, Mexico. The team went to help build homes, preach the Gospel and spread love and hope.
While in Mexico the team witnessed supernatural healing break out, and hundreds turned to Jesus!

Philippines 2023

A team of 44 people, including 16 children, served as Christ's hands and feet in remote Filipino villages. Everywhere they went supernatural healing broke out, and hundreds turned to Jesus.


Uganda 2022

Our Journey of Compassion to Uganda was a spectacular culmination of God’s people joined together by one spirit. The team reported healing breaking out every day—from crippled hands, to pain leaving, and blind eyes and deaf ears being opened.
During this two week Journey, not a day passed where God was not at work loving the people of Uganda in miraculous and powerful ways.

Connect With The Journey of Compassion Director

  • Bill Verbakel - I have been travelling with Impact Nations for 10 years on Journeys of Compassion. Now I work with our global partners to build and implement the Journey's in various nations around the world.

    As the Journey of Compassion Director for Impact Nations, I would love to connect with you and learn about your heart for mission and how I might be able to support you. It is my desire to help remove any obstacles holding you back from the fullness of what God has planned for you in global missions.